Ranking the 10 Most Profitable Non-Profits
During their most recent fiscal years, 100 of the nation’s largest charities reported an increase of 10 percent in private donations, receiving $54.4 billion in support collectively. A stark contrast to last year, when donations fell by four percent.
It takes a lot of effort to make money. So how can you be sure your money will be used properly by a nonprofit organization when you donate to them? With an ever-growing number of unscrupulous non-profits competing for your donations, it’s worth knowing just how a 501(c)(3) does (and doesn’t) spend your money. How much of your money actually goes to the cause? We’ve done some research for you and compiled a list of the 10 most profitable non-profit organizations that are well known to serve the mission they promise to. We’ve also included a list of 10 unscrupulous non-profit organizations you may want to stay away from giving your money to.

What Is a Non-Profit Organization?
Unlike for-profit businesses, organizations with nonprofit status have been granted tax exemption by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) because their activities advance a social cause. According to the IRS, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization must have several distinct characteristics. We’ve listed them below.
They must have a charitable purpose
Nonprofits focus on a specific charitable mission. Examples include:
- relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged
- advancement of religion
- advancement of education or science
- erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works
- lessening the burdens of government
- lessening neighborhood tensions
- eliminating prejudice and discrimination
- defending human and civil rights secured by law
- combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency
- testing for public safety
- fostering national or international amateur sports competition
- preventing cruelty to children or animals
They cannot benefit private interests
- It may not benefit the non-profit’s creator or the creator’s family, or shareholders.
- No part of the net earnings may benefit any person having a personal and private interest in the activities of the organization.
They must tread lightly in politics
- It may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities. This is substantially different than for-profit businesses,
- It may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.
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Is It Bad for a Non-profit To Make a Profit?
Absolutely not. A common misconception about non-profits is that they shouldn’t make profits. But a good not-for-profit organization needs to be sustainable, which involves making profits and even investing money. The difference with these non-profit organizations is that the profits go to benefit the organization, not the owners or shareholders. A non-profit business uses profits to advance its programs while for-profit businesses distribute profits to their owners or stockholders.

Where Does the Money Go?
Non-profit organizations divide their expenses into three categories. Looking at these numbers is a good indication of whether the organization is reputable or not. These categories include:
- programs
- administration
- fundraising expenses in the nonprofit sector
Expenses on fundraising involve requesting financial support from donors. Some examples of these expenses include leading and promoting fundraising campaigns, securing sponsorships, maintaining donor lists, and organizing banquets, among others. Other fundraising costs may include:
- paying staff workers
- travel and lodging
- meals
- advertising
- providing entertainment at meetings with potential donors
Unscrupulous practices are usually evident when fundraising expenses exceed program expenses.
Program expenses are expenses in the nonprofit sector that are directly related to completing the nonprofit’s mission. Examples include:
- distributing clothes, food, and clean water to the poor
- providing scholarships, shelter, and health care
- teaching a class
- helping in natural disaster recovery efforts
Nonprofit organizations that are reputable spend a large portion of their budgets on these programs and services. Public donors are most likely to give gifts to donors with the most allocation to this category.
Administration expenses cover the costs associated with running the nonprofit on a daily basis. These activities do not directly relate to the mission of the nonprofit, but they are vital for its survival. Some examples of these services are office management, accounting, insurance, human resources, legal counsel, payment of essential staff, and other services.
Nonprofit | Percent Spent on Programs |
10 Most Profitable Non-Profits
The top 10 most profitable non-profit organizations spend money in efficient and effective ways. While they may run the operation similarly to for-profit businesses, looking at the revenue vs. expenses of these non-profit organizations is a good indicator that your money is spent where it should be. Here is a brief description of the 10 most profitable non-profits and a breakdown of their recent (2019) revenue and expenses.
*IRS Ruling Year
You will notice this list includes the IRS ruling year for each nonprofit organization. What is it? Simply put, the “IRS ruling year” is the year the organization became taxable (or non-taxable). In the nonprofit sector, you could say it is the year the nonprofit organization truly became a business.

IRS Ruling Year: 1939
Mission: Goodwill changes lives and strengthens communities through education, training, and work. Goodwill strives to increase the self-sufficiency of its participants and provides vocational evaluation, training, and opportunities for personal growth in the rehabilitation of disabled or disadvantaged individuals, who cannot readily be absorbed in the competitive labor market. Goodwill strives to assist such individuals to attain the fullest development of which they are capable.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $24,058,272
- Total Expenses: $21,600,373
- Expenses on Programs: 89.5%
- Expenses on Administration: 10.0%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 0.4%

IRS Ruling Year: 1946
Mission: Founded more than a century and a half ago to care for the orphans of the San Francisco earthquake, Catholic Charities is one of the largest, most comprehensive human services agencies in Northern California, reaching more than 32,000 individuals a year. An integral part of our communities, Catholic Charities plays a pivotal role in keeping our neighborhoods diverse, productive, safe, and healthy through more than 30 programs in San Francisco, Marin, and San Mateo Counties. Our programs change the lives of:
- individuals
- families
- children
- youth, seniors
- those with disabilities
- formerly homeless individuals living with HIV/AIDS
- immigrants
We serve everyone. Catholic Charities creates lasting, data-driven solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in our community – homelessness, aging in isolation, generational poverty, HIV/AIDS, inequality, and immigration to name a few.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $54,974,257
- Total Expenses: $49,354,520
- Expenses on Programs: 82.9%
- Expenses on Administration: 13.8%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 3.2%

IRS Ruling Year: 1954
Mission: The Nature Conservancy is a leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. Since our founding in 1951, we have protected more than 119 million acres of land and 5,000 miles of rivers worldwide – and we operate more than 100 marine conservation projects globally. We have more than one million members. We work in all 50 states and more than 30 countries – protecting habitats from grasslands to coral reefs, from Australia to Alaska to Zambia. We address threats to conservation involving:
- climate change
- fire
- fresh water
- forests
- invasive species
- marine ecosystems
We use a science-based approach, aided by our more than 500 staff scientists, and we pursue non-confrontational, pragmatic solutions to conservation challenges.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $998,088,724
- Total Expenses: 932,617,948
- Expenses on Programs: 68.6%
- Expenses on Administration: 18.5%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 12.8%

IRS Ruling Year: 1965
Mission: Provide safe, fun innovative youth development programs, using the national Boy Scouts of America outdoor program as a basis for teaching lifelong skills and instilling ethical behaviors in young men and women beginning at the age of 6 and continuing through the age of 21. It is the mission of the organization to deliver the boy scout program to the six northern and eastern counties providing youth in its service area with organized outdoor activities designed to teach self-reliance and instill lifelong values that encourage young adults to make ethical choices throughout their lives.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $1,465,872
- Total Expenses: $1,200,217
- Expenses on Programs: 93.6%
- Expenses on Administration: 3.7%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 2.7%

IRS Ruling Year: 1957
Mission: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) was established in 1955 to assure the development of the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis (CF) and to improve the quality of life for those with the disease. The Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization in the United States devoted to cystic fibrosis. It funds and accredits more than 115 CF care centers, 95 adult care programs, and 50 affiliate programs, and has 80 chapters and branch offices nationwide. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $605,778,425
- Total Expenses: $348,650,099
- Expenses on Programs: 81.4%
- Expenses on Administration: 10.2%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 8.2%

IRS Ruling Year: 1924
Mission: Our Mission is the increase and diffusion of knowledge. Our Vision is to shape the future by preserving our heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: 1,601,124,226
- Total Expenses: 1,418,028,412
- Expenses on Programs: 76.3%
- Expenses on Administration: 20.2%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 3.4%

IRS Ruling Year: 1980
Mission: ALSAC (American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities) was founded in 1957 and exists for the sole purpose of raising funds to support the operating and maintenance of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to find cures for children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. It is supported primarily by donations raised by ALSAC. Research efforts are directed at:
- understanding the molecular, genetic, and chemical bases of catastrophic diseases in children
- identifying cures for such diseases
- promoting their prevention.
Research is focused specifically on:
- cancers
- some acquired and inherited immunodeficiencies
- sickle cell disease
- infectious diseases
- genetic disorders
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $1,898,289,322
- Total Expenses: $1,564,353,395
- Expenses on Programs: 70.7%
- Expenses on Administration: 12.9%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 16.2%

IRS Ruling Year: 1934
Mission: The mission of The New York Public Library is to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our communities. The New York Public Library is a free provider of education and information for the people of New York and beyond, operating 90 libraries-including research and branch libraries throughout the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island. The Library system offers free materials, computer access, classes, exhibitions, programming, and more to everyone from toddlers to scholars, and it has seen record numbers of attendance and circulation in recent years, with more than 18 million visits in the Fiscal Year 2012. The New York Public Library also serves millions more around the globe online through its website and its extensive social media presence.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $448,257,647
- Total Expenses: $328,719,153
- Expenses on Programs: 86.4%
- Expenses on Administration: 10.2%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 3.2%

IRS Ruling Year: 2000
Mission: Step Up For Students empowers parents to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children, with an emphasis on families who lack the financial resources to access these options. By pursuing this mission, we help public education fulfill the promise of equal opportunity.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $620,704,672
- Total Expenses: $720,174,387
- Expenses on Programs: 98.9%
- Expenses on Administration: 0.6%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 0.3%

IRS Ruling Year: 1999
Mission: Formed in 1906, Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) is a national organization of local chapters which provides after-school programs for young people. Boys & Girls Clubs annually serve nearly 4.6 million young people, through membership and community outreach, in 4.7 million Club facilities throughout the country and BGCA-affiliated Youth Centers on U.S. military installations worldwide. The mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens, by providing a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $137,980,026
- Total Expenses: $156,132,113
- Expenses on Programs: 80.6%
- Expenses on Administration: 8.5%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 10.9%
The Impact of Nonprofits on Communities
The nonprofit sector represents one of the great things about our nation. Nonprofit organizations create a sense of community, allowing individual donors and those in the private sector the opportunity to work side-by-side for a common goal. Non-profit organizations help shape our ideals into something concrete, transforming hopelessness into joyful anticipation.
There are over 1.5 million nonprofit charities in America. They tirelessly work behind the scenes, raising money for any number of direct and indirect costs. Yet, a lot of the time, the only thing we hear when we read about such organizations are phrases like:
- “program service revenue”
- “nonprofit status”
- “board members”
- “government grants”
- “annual revenue”
- “private interest”
- “foundation grants”
- “financial reports”
- “net earnings.”
These nonprofit organizations serve a wide range of functions. Through fund-raising events, volunteers, and a vision of a better world, non-profits accomplish things like:
- Feed the hungry through soup kitchens, food drives, and food pantries
- Help people learn to read
- Help refugees get a new start in this country
- Save household pets from abuse and neglect
- Rebuild after disasters like fires and floods
- Help students attend college via scholarships and grants
- Protect children from abuse and neglect
- Save the environment through conservation and activism
- Help care for the sick and suffering
- Raise money for schools
- Perform fund raising for families in crisis
- Solicit individual donations for various causes
- Make sure people have enough money to live on
- Provide services to the elderly
- Help people with their financial problems
And that’s just a fraction of what non-profit organizations do every day. Non-profits strengthen our communities and encourage leadership, goodwill, and generosity.
Many non-profit organizations even work to help other non-profits get established. In short, non-profits do many of the things that a for-profit business would, except that nonprofits benefit whole communities and groups of people rather than private interests.
And, of course, nonprofit businesses are not in it for the financial benefit. In the nonprofit world, board members decide how to raise money for worthy causes rather than focus on generating a profit or annual revenue. As a result, many nonprofits get by on a shoestring without needing to rent office space or hire a paid staff.
Everyone Benefits From Non-Profits
You (and everyone you know) benefit from nonprofit organizations, whether you know it or not. Of course, when something goes wrong for our neighbors, friends, or family, it’s easy to see the impact of a non-profit.
But it can be more challenging with non-profits that are far removed. For example, you might never notice the donation buckets for your local library, but you would definitely become more aware of the library if it were no longer there for you to use. Nonprofits play a critical role in our daily lives and our future.
Unscrupulous Non-Profit Organizations
Now let’s discuss the flip side of the coin—where greed and fraud run rampant. Donors become wise social investors by learning how to identify and avoid crooked nonprofit organizations. Look for these five red flags before you donate your hard-earned money:
Wrong Fiscal Focus
Look out for nonprofit organizations that spend the vast majority of their money on administrative and fundraising expenses rather than programs. The Better Business Bureau reports that nonprofit organizations should designate at least 65% of their funds to programming costs and no more than 35% of funds to fundraising and administration.
Negative Profit
Negative profit indicates that nonprofit organizations have poor performance compared to industry standards. If this is an ongoing trend, the not-for-profit could go under, taking your money with it. 33 out of the top 100 non-profits in 2012 had negative profits at the end of the year.
Pending Lawsuits/under Investigation
If the IRS or another organization is suspicious of the actions of certain nonprofit organizations, it is best not to trust your money with them. Not only could they have questionable practices, but they might lose their 501(c)(3) status and you could lose your tax break.
CEO/ED Power
The board is supposed to be in charge of the charity, not the CEO or Executive Director. Too much power with the CEO/ED could cause suspicion for benefiting private interests.
Excessive Pressure
Avoid nonprofit organizations that apply too much pressure for you to give immediately. This is particularly true if you get a phone call from a fundraiser. They should be willing to operate on your timetable.
Ten Unscrupulous Non-Profit Organizations
These are just a few of the hundreds of nonprofit organizations with seemingly important missions that spend very little money on the programs they pledged to provide. Typically their names are intended to pull on the heartstrings of donators.
These nonprofit organizations receive most of their funding from the public and not through the program itself, investments, or the government. They spend most of their money on profitable fundraising.
According to The NonProfit Times, here are the 10 most unscrupulous non-profit organizations with their mission statements and a breakdown of their 2019 revenue and expenses:
IRS Ruling Year: 1996
Mission: Since 1991, The Committee for Missing Children (CMC) and its photo partners have distributed over two billion images of missing children in elementary schools throughout the USA. Millions of images of approximately 1,500 children have bombarded our nations’ elementary schools and, through this method, we have assisted in the recovery of over 1,200 missing children. We are a parent advocacy group and we serve as an information clearinghouse. Our website is created as a resource for parents of missing children as well as lawyers, other non-profits and non-governmental agencies, and the agencies that must deal with child abduction. Our belief is that the parents of missing and abducted children have a right to be involved in the search for their own children.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $1,004,795
- Total Expenses: $940,475
- Expenses on Programs: 7.0%
- Expenses on Administration: 6.8%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 86%
IRS Ruling Year: 1981
Mission: To support and provide education to veterans and their families by all means and methods as well as acting as a resource for veterans coping with issues related to their military service, including limited financial services to veterans and their families in crisis. Such support shall include advocacy and referral services to appropriate social agencies and funding and advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels. To provide education and information to the public regarding Veterans Administration programs and other programs created for the treatment of PTSD and other mental or physical illnesses and disabilities. To cooperate with other nonprofit organizations or governmental agencies and programs furthering the aforementioned purposes and educate the public on these problems, their causes, and potential cures.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $1,200,243
- Total Expenses: $2,056,408
- Expenses on Programs: 17.7%
- Expenses on Administration: 10.5%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 71.7%
IRS Ruling Year: 2007
Mission: Founded in 2007, ASDF helps meet the needs of children and families affected by autism. The cost of services, treatment, and care for a child affected by autism takes a heavy toll on a family’s budget. Families make great sacrifices and often compromise and prioritize basic family needs to provide their children with the therapies, schooling, and medical treatment necessary to improve their quality of life. There are an abundance of resources on autism trends, treatments, and research available, but the financial burdens autism families face tend to get overlooked. ASDF works with families and autism-specific organizations to take some of the financial burden off their shoulders. By providing funding for various programs that benefit an autistic child’s specific needs, ASDF lets families know they are not alone in their efforts and gives them hope for the future.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $2,851,905
- Total Expenses: $2,812,197
- Expenses on Programs: 15.9%
- Expenses on Administration: 1.5%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 82.4%
IRS Ruling Year: 2002
Mission: The mission of the California Police Youth Charities (CPYC) is to build relationships between the law enforcement community and California youth. We will strive to provide opportunities for youth through various resources throughout the state of California. Creating scholarships and funding various youth activities in each of California’s counties shall accomplish this. It is our goal to keep California’s youth involved in productive activities run by positive role models. Since its incorporation in 2002, CPYC has grown rapidly and consistently to a point where we feel we are making some real positive changes in the lives of kids throughout the State of California.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $1,382,509
- Total Expenses: $1,394,365
- Expenses on Programs: 11.3%
- Expenses on Administration: 6.8%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 81.7%
IRS Ruling Year: 1996
Mission: Wishing Well Foundation USA inc was organized for the purpose of fulfilling the fondest wish for any terminally ill child not expected to reach 18 years of age
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $703,192
- Total Expenses: $707,871
- Expenses on Programs: 0.8%
- Expenses on Administration: 14.5%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 84.6
IRS Ruling Year: 1998
Mission: Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for hundreds of thousands of children all over the world since 1997. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children who are experiencing life-altering situations. We started with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering with life-threatening conditions, but have since created additional programs to benefit kids nationwide, including Hero of the Month, Kids Wish Network On Tour, Holiday of Hope Gift Banks, A Child Forever Funeral Assistance, and our International Relief program. It is our promise to continue to bring much-needed joy to these brave young hearts through our unique programs and services and bring them the hope and comfort they truly deserve.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $13,652,950
- Total Expenses: $12,857,010
- Expenses on Programs: 15.4%
- Expenses on Administration: 2.9%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 81.5%
IRS Ruling Year: 1992
Mission: The Firefighters Charitable Foundation’s (FFCF) primary focus is to provide much-needed financial assistance to individuals who have been affected by a fire or disaster, to support other disaster or prevention-related charities and institutions, and volunteer fire departments. FFCF also has a nationwide volunteer brigade that acts as our eyes and ears to identify those in critical need. Since our founding in 1991, our funding assists fire and disaster victims; supports volunteer fire departments; supports outreach programs for fire safety, first aid education and aids children in need; and delivers grants to other charitable organizations that help victims of fire.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $3,338,114
- Total Expenses: $3,429,715
- Expenses on Programs: 9.3%
- Expenses on Administration: 6.0%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 84.5%
IRS Ruling Year: 2001
Mission: Founded in 1995, The United States Deputy Sheriff’s Association (USDSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the support of law enforcement, their families, and their communities through equipment donations, a highly acclaimed national training program, End of Watch donations, scholarships, cash grants, and citizen awareness programs.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $14,348,683
- Total Expenses: $13,858,449
- Expenses on Programs: 28.9%
- Expenses on Administration: 7.1%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 63.9%
IRS Ruling Year: 1994
Mission: The mission of the Purple Heart Foundation is “To holistically enhance the quality of life of all veterans and their families, providing them with direct service and fostering an environment of comradery and goodwill among combat wounded veterans.” The Purple Heart Foundation honors the sacrifice military veterans make for our country by helping them make a smooth transition from the battlefield to the home front. Chartered in 1957, the Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Foundation is the fundraising engine of the Military Order of the Purple Heart of the USA, Inc. Through grants, academic scholarships, and outreach programs the Purple Heart Foundation lends support to other organizations whose programs align with Purple Heart’s mission, as well as smaller direct contributions to veterans facing exceptionally difficult financial challenges.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $27,090,824
- Total Expenses: $27,976,068
- Expenses on Programs: 23.6%
- Expenses on Administration: 4.1%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 72.2%
IRS Ruling Year: 1986
Mission: Since 1983, Find the Children has been dedicated to the recovery of missing children and to the prevention of the abuse and endangerment of children. We assist families searching for missing children by helping them to access local and federal law enforcement, advising them on the appropriate legal documents, and connecting them with other non-profit organizations or community resources that may help them in their search for their children. We educate parents and children on child safety, and work closely and in conjunction with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Since our founding, we have assisted thousands of families through our volunteer flyer distribution program and our photo partner program, which sends children’s pictures to newspapers and periodicals all over the country.
Revenue and Expenses:
- Total Revenue: $567,552
- Total Expenses: $634,833
- Expenses on Programs: 29.6%
- Expenses on Administration: 4.3%
- Expenses on Fundraising: 65.4%

Other Reputable Non-Profit Charities
We didn’t want to end this article on a negative note, so let’s finish up with some more good news in the nonprofit world. The most profitable nonprofits are the big guys, but they are certainly not the only worthy organizations to be involved with. Below, we list several more reputable non-profit organizations. We’ve found these excellent groups also have some pretty big success stories. Check them out!
10,000 Degrees
Creating College Graduates Who Change the World
100 Club of Arizona
Supporting families of public safety
A Chance In Life
We are on a mission to give at-risk girls and boys a chance in life in a unique way.
Allen Community Outreach
Transforming lives by providing essential human and social services in our communities
The Wetlands Initiative
Envisioning a world with plentiful healthy wetlands improving water quality, climate, biodiversity, and human well-being
Bringing hope, joy, and unlimited possibilities through the healing power of the horse.
United States Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association
We connect you. We support you. We strengthen the Long Blue Line. We give back.
Students Run LA
Inspiring 3,200 youth how to set and achieve personal & academic goals by training to complete the LA Marathon
Rafiki Foundation
Helping Africans know God and raise their standard of living through orphan care, a widow’s program, and education.
Patriot Paws Service Dogs
Training and providing service dogs of the highest quality at no cost to disabled American veterans and others with mobile disabilities and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Nourish Phoenix
Inspiring hope and dignity among economically challenged families by eliminating their insecurities around daily needs.
Love Without Boundaries Foundation
Providing healing, education, and refuge to vulnerable children worldwide
Medical Teams International
Daring to love like Jesus, we boldly break barriers to health and restore wholeness in a hurting world.
Imagine Children’s Museum
Making children’s lives better by creating a place where they can playfully learn
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Supporting the development of energy efficiency technologies, programs, and policies.
Heartland Hope Mission
More than a pantry by providing clients with resources to be food secure and self-sufficient in a hope-filled environment
Glaucoma Research Foundation
We’re dedicated to improving the lives of glaucoma patients and funding innovative research to find a cure.
Food Outreach
Providing nutritional support to men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS or cancer in the greater St. Louis area
Environmental Research and Education Foundation
Lighting a path to sustainable waste management practices
Equality Now
Working to end violence and discrimination against women and girls
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Dramatically increase the number of adoptions of children waiting in North America’s foster care systems.
Children in Crisis
Children in Crisis is a local, not-for-profit charity committed to “Providing Homes…Keeping Brothers and Sister Together.”
A Place Called Home
A positive environment where young people develop tools and are empowered to have successful, fulfilling lives.
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Using the power of law to protect the environment, promote human rights, and ensure a just and sustainable society
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Protecting the constitutional principle of the separation of state and church and educating about freethought
- http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BUDGET-2013-BUD/pdf/BUDGET-2013-BUD-10.pdf
- http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomwatson/2014/06/17/annual-philanthropy-numbers-on-the-rise-u-s-giving-nears-pre-recession-levels/
- http://www.thenonprofittimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/11-1-13_Top100.pdf
- http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Charitable-Organizations/Exemption-Requirements-Section-501(c)(3)-Organizations
- http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Charitable-Organizations/Exempt-Purposes-Internal-Revenue-Code-Section-501(c)(3)
- http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Charitable-Organizations/Inurement-Private-Benefit-Charitable-Organizations
- https://www.snpo.org/resources/startup.php
- http://money.cnn.com/2014/04/21/pf/nonprofits-pay/index.html
- http://www.kenscommentary.org/2014/05/america-has-more-than-million-nonprofit.html
- http://www.goodwill.org/about-us/
- http://www.ymca.net/about-us
- http://www.nature.org/about-us/vision-mission/index.htm
- http://www.scouting.org/About.aspx
- http://www.cff.org/aboutCFFoundation/
- http://www.si.edu/About/Mission
- http://www.stjude.org/about
- http://www.nypl.org/help/about-nypl/mission
- http://www.stepupforstudents.org/about-us/mission
- http://www.bgca.org/whoweare/Pages/WhoWeAre.aspx
- http://www.charitynavigator.org